Bio identical Hormone therapy Cypress, CA - Renewal Hormone Clinic

Symptoms and Causes of Hormone Imbalance

Key hormones and their roles

- Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone - Effects on mood, cognition, sleep, weight, libido

Our services

Contributors to deficiencies

- Aging, menopause, andropause - Chronic stress - Poor nutrition and lifestyle habits

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Symptom relief

- Hot flashes, night sweats, irritability - Low energy, difficulty concentrating - Decreased muscle mass, increased body fat

Long term protective effects

- Bone, brain, heart, metabolic health - Improved quality of life

Differences from conventional HRT

- Structurally identical hormones - Customizable based on lab testing - Compounded for personalized dosing

Take the first step toward hormone balance!

Diagnostic Testing and Treatment Overview

Blood tests check hormone levels

- Saliva testing also available

Consultation to review results and needs

- Lifestyle factors also addressed

Hormones prepared in specialty pharmacy

- Creams, gels, pills, pellets, injections

Follow up and monitoring

- Dose adjustments as needed

Additional Local Resources and Recommendations

In summary, this would provide an informative overview of bioidentical HRT, its purpose and processes, to educate residents interested in exploring treatment. Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional suggestions for the outline!

Interesting fact

Bioidentical hormones are not necessarily safer or more effective than synthetic hormones for menopausal symptoms. Large, long-term studies comparing health outcomes of bioidenticals versus synthetics are lacking, so definitive claims of superiority lack sufficient evidence. More research is needed.

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